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Renato Floris


As the CEO of VIPLibri, Viale Industria Pubblicazioni, Renato Floris draws upon his decades of experience as a visual, literary and dramatic artist in publishing his niche catalog of fine books. As an actor with the Comedie Francaise, the Piccolo Teatro Di Milano and the Compagnia Tino Buazzelli, Renato acquired a broad and practical knowledge of classical theater and literature. He received his formal graduate degree from the Accademia di Arte Drammatica Silvio D'Amico.

As a native of Turin, it was in 1984, when Renato first came to Los Angeles upon the personal invitations of architect Frank Gehry and visual artist Ron Hays. There he collaborated with Gehry and Hays to implement a design for an audio visual projection on the Hollywood Bowl as part of the opening of the Olympics. In 1997, Renato returned to Los Angeles to film a documentary on Rudolph Valentino for RAI 3, Italian broadcasting. Since that time, he has pursued publishing books he feels deserve recognition, primarily on the subject of Rudolph Valentino. 

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